
Depot Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5HR +01403 254932

Medical Information

The First Aid Room exists to provide initial assistance or treatment to a person who is injured or suddenly taken ill during the school day.

The Medical Welfare Officer will endeavour to provide health advice and support to individuals in school and to support the school’s ‘Healthy Schools’ programme.

The First Aid facility should not be seen as a point of reference for pupils with ongoing medical conditions or injuries/illnesses that have occurred out of school. In this respect the First Aid facility should not be seen or used as an alternative to or extension of a GP surgery, health clinic or hospital.

In line with Government Guidelines we would ask that pupils are not sent to school when they are clearly unwell or infectious.

Depending on what the accident/illness is, primarily we will try to manage it in school. If a student is unwell and is unable to remain in school the Medical Welfare Officer or relevant first aider will contact a parent/carer to come and collect the pupil. The Medical Welfare Officer (or in their absence designated lead first aider) is the only person who can authorise a pupil going home unwell.

All pupils who need to go home have to be collected from the main reception at school by an appropriate adult. Any pupil contacting a parent directly for collection from school without prior agreement from the Medical Welfare Officer will have the absence unauthorised.

The First Aid room is equipped to deal with most basic first aid requirements.

The Medical Welfare Officer’s hours are 8.00 – 3.00. The First Aid Room is open within these times excluding when the Medical Welfare Officer is ‘on call’ or on a work break. Non-emergency visits to the First Aid room should be made at break and lunchtimes (see ELR) the First Aid room will always be staffed during these times.

Pupils should only be referred during lesson times in an emergency. If a pupil requires first aid during a lesson, they must attend with a orange lanyard with permission for the pupil being out of a lesson. No pupil will be seen without this. If a student is sent to the First Aid room and the Medical Welfare Officer is unavailable or busy with another student, a note will be on the door and the student will be directed to Main Reception.

There are additional staff within school, who are qualified first aiders and available to support the Medical Welfare Officer.


To contact the Medical Welfare Officer, please email directly here

My child is ill should they come to school? Inc. covid 19 and sickness/diarrhoea

Covid-19 – please refer to the NHS website regarding latest advice on what to do if a person thinks they have Covid-19.

Diarrhoea and/or vomiting – it is recommended that a student is kept away from school for 48 hours following the last episode (Ref PHE guidance) - Is my child too ill for school?

Please also refer to our Absence page and use the links on the Absence page to report an absence.

Information on entry

Parents/Carers have primary responsibility for their child’s health. When students begin at Millais, parents are required to complete a medical form informing the school of any known medical conditions. If your child has a specific medical condition and is under the care of a hospital or Specialist then it is useful to include school in any communication to enable school to fully support your child. This information is stored confidentially both in a paper file and on the Bromcom Management Information System (BMIS) database.

Changes to medical history

It is vital that the school is kept up to date of any changes to a child’s health with immediate effect, preferably in writing and always from a parent/carer or health professional. The person with parental responsibility must ensure that any changes in medical history are reported to the school. Please let us know immediately by contacting Medical Welfare Officer


Liaison with specialist and dedicated external agencies will take place if required to ensure the needs of the individual are met.

Teaching staff

All staff are kept informed of any pupils in school with existing medical conditions – photo boards of the relevant pupils are kept in all the curriculum areas across the site and also in the staff room. The medical information is also stored centrally on BromCom. This information is treated confidentially.


Please see linked policy document. 

HPV Vaccination Programme

In Year 8 pupils are invited to participate in the HPV (Human papillomavirus) Programme. This is one of the routine childhood immunisations offered by the NHS. This vaccination is given to protect students against the two types of human papillomavirus that case most cases (over 70%) of cervical cancer.

The West Sussex Schools Immunisation Team ( come into school to administer the vaccinations. The information and consent forms are usually sent out in September, with the programme starting in October.

Flu immunisation

The West Sussex School Immuniisation Team come to Millais to administer the Flu vaccination programme ( Communication will be sent to parent/carers for consent in advance. Questions should be directed to the Immunisation Team in the first instance.

Should your child not be in school or is unwell on the day, you will be encouraged to contact your GP surgery (communication will be sent out via Millais from the Immunisation Team).

Temporary Use of Crutches/Wheelchairs

If your child is required to have crutches/a wheelchair for any length of time while they are in school, following an injury/ongoing medical condition, and on the advice of a medical practitioner, please inform either the Medical Welfare Officer or Student Admin Team in advance of your child attending school.  

This is to ensure appropriate support can be put in place following a Health and Safety Risk Assessment and guidance given on what to do in the event of an Emergency Evacuation/Fire Drill.

First Aid and Use of Medical Room Policy

Contact Medical Welfare Officer

Parent Hub