
Depot Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5HR +01403 254932

School Policies
School Policies

See below for Millais School policies.

Every local-authority-maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policies

Behaviour Policy

The Behaviour Matrix referred to in Appendix 2 of the Behaviour Policy can be viewed here 

Reference to online behaviours is made throughout our Online Safety Policy, and in particular within the Social Media section on P39.

Ant Bullying Policy | PDF | 540KB

Please see the document below for the action plan used to deal with issues of Cyberbullying reported to the school.

Anti-Bullying: Cyberbullying Action Plan | PDF | 198KB

Charging and Remissions Policy

Many extra expenses are incurred in the provision of a good education, most especially when we seek to enrich the experiences offered to the pupils.

The Education Reform Act, however, lays down complicated rules about activities for which parents can and cannot be charged.

In order to simplify matters the governors have decided to fund all curriculum enrichment activities by voluntary contributions.

By law we cannot exclude any girl because her parents are unwilling to pay. However, we have to point out that unless all parents who are able to contribute do so, then a trip may have to be cancelled, as the school could not afford to cover the cost.

Any parents who wish their daughter to take part in any activity, but are unable to contribute, are asked to contact the Deputy Headteacher (Support) in confidence so that personal arrangements can be made.

Parents will be charged for individual music tuition where this is provided as private lessons.

For work done in the Design and Technology area parents will be asked to pay a small sum to cover materials if, as hoped, pupils wish to own the finished product.

It is school policy to enter pupils for public examinations for all the courses they have followed at the level that staff feel is most appropriate.

Parents are usually guided by the school about this but there is always a facility for parents to pay entry fees if circumstances warrant it. Parents will, however, be asked to reimburse the school if a girl fails to attend an examination for which the fees have been paid by the school, unless a medical certificate is produced.

Charging and Remissions Policy | PDF | 157KB

Child Exploitation and Online Protection
Coronavirus Catch-up Premium Plan
Data Protection Policy
Online Safety Policy
Policy Statement on Provider Access
Remote Learning Policy
RSE Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Accessibility Plan
Uniform Policy
Pupil Premium
Equality Policy

Millais School Mission Statement

At Millais School we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion and belief, or socio-economic background.

We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.

The achievement of pupils will be monitored and we will use this data to support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching.

We will tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality, challenging bullying and stereotypes and creating an environment which champions respect for all.

At Millais School we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here.

Equality Policy 2021-2022 | PDF | 301KB

Equality Policy 2020 | PDF | 257KB

Equality Plan | PDF | 172KB

School Complaints Procedure

Should you wish to speak to a member of staff about a concern of a serious or sensitive nature, please contact the Headteacher's PA, on their direct line, 01403 282013.

Millais Complaints Procedure

To raise a complaint please follow the procedure outlined below.

The complaints procedure at Millais School is a three stage procedure:

  1. Stage 1 (Formal - in writing on the Complaint Form to the Headteacher): Complaint heard by Headteacher.
  2. Stage 2 (Formal - in writing to the Chair of Governors):  Complaint heard by Chair of Governors.
  3. Stage 3 (Formal): Complaint heard by Governing Body's complaints appeal panel.

Any concerns/complaints relating to SEND provision should be directed to Ms K Potter, SENDCO in the first instance, followed by the three stage procedure detailed above.

Complaints Policy | PDF | 301KB

Complaint Form | DOCX | 22KB

Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Procedures | PDF | 86KB



Specialist Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Millais, all students, whatever their needs or abilities, are valued and encouraged to develop confidence in themselves as learners and to have high aspirations for themselves. Support is provided for any student who at any time in her school career is identified as requiring additional or different provision to help her to make progress.

We believe that all teachers need to have training and expertise in Special Educational Needs and Disability. We also promote an ethos of positive partnership between our staff and the parents/carers of our young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Our SEND Team (comprised of SENDCo, Deputy SENDCo and Learning Support Assistants) work in close collaboration with the Inclusion Manager and Learning Mentors, colleagues and parents/carers in order to overcome barriers to learning and progress.

Support strategies and interventions vary across the key stages and are tailored to meet the needs of students identified as being in need of support. These include:

  • Support for transition from primary school including special taster activities at Millais for Year 6 children (the Millais Moving On Groups), visits to the primary schools by the Director of Year and the Director of Learning for Specialist Intervention (SENCO) and individualised support for Year 6 students needing extra transition support.
  • ‘Wave 1’: full access to the National Curriculum suitably differentiated to take account of each individual’s needs and taught in classes by subject specialist teachers.
  • ‘Wave 2’: literacy and numeracy intervention, including the use of Lexia ‘Power Up’ in Year 7 English lessons for students with the weakest literacy skills and small group numeracy intervention during Key Stage 3 for targeted students
  • ‘Wave 3’: personalised literacy/numeracy teaching is offered to students in Years 7, 8 and 9 if their SEND is a particular barrier to learning.  This is usually those with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
  • A ‘Study Support’ option at GCSE, for students who would benefit from taking Entry Level English and Maths.
  • In-class support from Learning Support Assistants with expertise in both curriculum subjects and individual needs.
  • Social and emotional nurture group work focussing on social skills, friendship etc. for targeted individuals at transition and throughout Key Stage 3.
  • Bespoke individual support and mentoring for students’ social and emotional well-being for targeted students.
  • Advice and support to subject teachers from a Dyslexia specialist teacher.
  • Access to key staff with whom trusting relationships can be developed so that students can share their concerns.

SEN Policy | PDF | 126KB

SEN Information Report | PDF | 281KB


Mission Statement

This policy supports and reinforces the aims of Millais School, valuing all students equally and as individuals. All staff work together to create a happy, challenging, stimulating and caring environment in which students can enjoy their time at school and celebrate their achievement.

The school strives to build a community that encourages all its members to develop a healthy respect for each other.  In addition, we provide a happy, stimulating and caring environment where there are opportunities, encouragement and stimuli to develop each student to their full potential.

The policies for SMSC and the teaching of MHEW relate to the whole life of the school and its role in promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) and good Mental Health.

The Millais CAS Personal Development Framework also aids in our delivery of SMSC whole school.

Teaching of Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy (MHEW) | PDF | 195KB

SMSC Policy | PDF | 127KB

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